Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dissertation Survey

Hi. This survey is really important for my dissertation. I will be really grateful If you could answer this.

Please keep in mind that Questions number 1, 2, 3 or 10 need to be answered in yes or no.
Age is a mandatory requirement.

Post answers as comments on the blog or if mailing is a better option for you. Send them across on

Name: Age:

1. Have you read twilight?

2. Are you a fan?

3. Have you read it multiple times?

4. Did you buy your copy off the street or from a bookstore?

5. What do you think is the USP of the series?

6. Did you like the book better than the movie?

7. Which character do you like the most?

8. Do you like the character Edward Cullen or do you like Robert Pattinson, the actor? You can answer neither.

9. Did you read any vampire literature before Twilight? If yes please specify the names of atleast two books.

10. Do you believe in vampires?

11. How did you come to believe in vampires? Through books, movies or other. Please specify.

12. What do you associate vampires with now? Horror or Romance? Please elucidate.