Saturday, August 29, 2009

Disgusting Despicable Men

I needed time to collect my thoughts on this and then get my laptop to write this.
I let all of it simmer since morning. And finally took the time out to write and hopefully express some of my feelings on the subject. A question that I know has bothered and rendered sleepless nights to women over centuries. What makes men quite simply men?! What makes them these, disgusting, weak, pathetic, horrible, sick, useless, perverse wastes of humanity?! Seriously Why? As women we are entitled to our lives. But everyday, every minute we ignore or experience eve teasing. Even in the mildest form it is disgusting and violation. These puny, sick, ruled by parts other than their brains, puke worthy men exude it with such gusto you would think they were getting medals. Agreed the question wouldn't be answered in a thesis and would leave as frazzled as before. As a person who walks on the streets everyday and uses public transport to travel I am well aware of the Delhi men and what they consider their wily ways. Isn't it true? I mean who else but seriously demented Delhi men would consider changing lanes in fast moving traffic to honk at you and make lewd gestures, who else would fathom making loud kissing noises across the street, who else would drive with their heads swiveling in your direction and the cherry on the top who else would consider it flattering to the female population!? Except these forms of vermin my friends. I am sure they walk back home with puffed up chests and expect applause. Pea brained pus balls. But to get back to the public transport bit. Many of my classmates would agree that they face worse men everyday and I surely can't disagree. Yes. Unfortunately they are like cockroaches. Everywhere. I have experienced it too and have learned to pick my battles and ignore the others. But today seems to have stuck and thus I vent. I walk ten minutes to get an auto/bus everyday.As I made the familiar journey today I encountered a specimen of the race which I wouldn't step on If it was in front of me. After all I love my shoes. Since I had committed the crime of wearing a knee length skirt I expected the stares. But since this is my residential area I just shrugged and kept walking. The surprise came when the moron actually clicked me with his cronies and these people would not even know how to spell cronies If I went and asked. Now my question is If I am walking It isn't a clear picture. By the not so aromatic aura they exuded I am sure the camera phone was cheaper than the chappals he had on. So obviously It probably just has a blur and a thumbnail version of that too. What I want to know is what the hell is he going to do with it!? Just tell me what. SO the purpose was to just bug me in the morning and make me uncomfortable. Round of applause for that one you despicable worse than garbage example of the human race. I am seriously aggrieved. How do their brains work?! What actually makes them think that women enjoy it. And whoever is citing the 'you call for it when you dress like that' argument in their small minds let me say you deserve a punch in your gut. How many women do you see staring at men when they run around in their vests and horrible towels with questionable flaps showing off their armpit hair as prizes on a public street?!Not only that but as women we are aware where to draw the line. Fine. I will not generalise. I know where to stop. I do not think marching into college and public streets with hot pants on is my cup of tea. I can't even carry it off for Christs sake.I am an average girl. Definitely not a runway model replica who warrants the attention. What I am getting at is no matter what you wear, you will be the object of humiliation. What would happen if the situation was reversed?! WAIT! I forgot who I was talking about. These Delhi men would bask in the glory, consider it the utmost compliment, enjoy every minute and then call us sluts as we turn our backs. Only if their vocabulary runs to that word. Am I being elitist by showing my anger towards these men who in all probability belonged to a certain income bracket. Since they don't consider that before making their grand gestures why should I. As some of my anger is cooling. I shall just add that all Delhi men I am sure are not like this. I am sure some are genuinely sincere people with respect for others. But sadly some encounters have left my belief shaken. But I hope I meet them soon. SO that my opinion changes sooner.


  1. Ditto my sentiments. The fact is that even locking these low creatures in dungeons wont help. and that fact is that they do extend beyond income brackets. Do you remember what one our "male" professor had to say?
    Great writing shubhi.. I wish those men were smart enough to read you r writing...and those some who are smart enough ro read are actually humane enough to understand!

  2. I know smrithi..
    If they could understand it, the joy I would get by seeing them cringe would be unbelievable.
    Ya they undoubtedly, they breed in all avenues of society.

  3. i liked the line about how you love your shoes..:D
    And, yeah, we all more or less face the same from men mainly in every other country in the world, men may be disgusting, byt they never manage to get one up on the delhi guys.
    i do love some of the opposite sex though.:D

  4. Hehehe.
    I know Delhi guys suck supremely.
    I ended on hopeful note bcoz of my love for some of the members of the opposite sex. :P

  5. u hit d nail wen u said "ruled by parts other than their brains". and u certainly arn't being elitist its just that with the people of a " certain income bracket " u refer to ,it just crosses all least u end in a positive note i dont find any signs of hope.. i wish dose jerks cud read dis but den expectin an iota of guilt in dem will be expecting a lot..

  6. I guess I am a dreamer Rohini. Sad but true. U nailed it, them and guilt seems long and far away.

  7. Hi there.

    I'm Mehreen Ali Kasana and a blogger from Lahore, Pakistan. I was born and raised in America and when I came back here, I felt the JUST the same way you feel about men here. Men of the subcontinent, to be precise. I've been eve-teased and I remember when I complained, I was told, "You probably asked for it."

    That blew my head off. I went absolutely ape-shit and unleashed my anger just the way you did. If women decide to live life their own way, it is a blasphemy for men here. If you wear a skirt, they consider it OMFG-a-sin. Men have forgotten two things:

    a] Women, too, are human beings. Maybe, if you look closer, superior in many ways.
    b] Women, too, have the equal right to dress, walk, say, eat, drink, blink, socialize, work and, in a nutshell, live according to their own will and wish.

    If they begin swallowing these two realities, they might not remain on the receiving end of so much justified hatred.

    Great post, Shubhi! :]

  8. Hi Mehreen.
    Thank you for the appreciation.
    You have definitely made some great points.
    This plight is shared by all of us.
    I don't understand why men refuse to even try to logically look and consider the matter of our respectable existences?
    It is definitely not hard to comprehend.
    I hope to god they swallow it so that our coexistence is based on mutual respect and the much needed peace. :)

  9. A good written article. This subject has been raised again and again, but no progress seems to be there in the right direction ie against the evil men. No initiatives are taken, or maybe lack of media attention or concrete participation. The matter is to act by doing something, obviously takes a lot of courage and sacrifice but certainly someone has to make a start, it would be nice to see a man taking a step in that direction.

    The entertainment industry has been responsible for some of the public rush of libido, as it is a case of haves and havenots. You can't get the ones you see on screen who are dresses in much skimpier clothes, than in real lives (except a select few which are usually out of reach of these guys). So, their quest to achieve or fantasize about the same in reality is one of the reasons for this outburst of eve-teasing.

  10. Thanx Abhishek.
    Trust me when I say that we would love it if men decided to take a step in the direction you are referring to. Their seems to be a lack of respect for females overall. I do not agree with you putting the blame on the entertainment industry. If Crorepati has a winner, it doesn't mean that bcoz of that single episode will increase the crime rate. Blaming an overarching entity for sick behaviour is not apt justification.
